Early intervention
A detailed guide to all the things you need to know immediately after receiving a diagnosis. Understanding your early intervention options is critical to making an educated decision about what is right for you and your child.
What is early intervention?
Early intervention is a term that means starting therapeutic interventions as soon as possible. For autism, early intervention means specialised support for young children.
Early intervention options
It is important to have a good understanding of your early intervention options in order to choose ones that will meet the needs of your child and family.
Managing early intervention
Managing your child's early intervention program can be a juggle. There is no one right way to do this, but we do have some tips to make it easier.
Medication & diets
There is a lot of pseudoscience and incorrect information on the internet about diets and medications for autism. Read through this evidenced-based guide to ensure you understand the facts.
Activities & play
Play is an important part of all children’s lives. Activities that involve and promote play have a significant role in your child's intervention program and in daily life.
Autism in older children and teens
Having a child diagnosed as a teenager brings a different set of challenges. While there are ample resources to assist families with young children on the autism spectrum, there are fewer addressing issues faced by older children and teens.